ਸ਼ੁੱਕਰ, 13 ਨਵੰ
|Zoom Gathering
White Anti-Racist Educator Caucus Group
Join other White educators in exploring what it means to be anti-racist during three evening caucus gatherings. (If you missed the first gathering, you are welcome to join us for the second and the third evenings.)
Time & Location
13 ਨਵੰ 2020, 6:00 ਬਾ.ਦੁ. – 7:00 ਬਾ.ਦੁ. GMT-8
Zoom Gathering
About the event
This group is an opportunity to join other White educators in exploring what it means to be anti-racist during three evening caucus gatherings on October 16, November 13, and December 4, 2020 from 6-7 p.m. These meetings will facilitate cross-school connections as well as the sharing and development of strategies and actions for anti-racist white educators. If you missed the first conversation, we will forward information about that conversation. Please join us for the second and third caucus meetings.